Recovery Alive: A Christ-Centered Recovery Program

WE ARE MEETING IN PERSON ON WEDNESDAY NIGHTS! “Your place for healing your hurts, habits and hang – ups!”  The purpose of Recovery Alive is to fellowship and celebrate God’s healing power in our lives through Recovery Principles. By working the steps and applying their biblical principles, we begin to grow spiritually. We open the door by sharing our experiences, strengths and hopes with one another. In addition, we become willing to accept God’s grace in solving our problems. We become free from our addictive, compulsive, and dysfunctional behaviors. This freedom creates peace, serenity, joy, and most importantly, a stronger personal relationship with God and others. We invite you to participate in this ministry to experience change, allow God’s grace to help you solve life’s problems, and allow Him to release you from your addictive, compulsive, and dysfunctional behaviors that have been holding you back from authentic joy in your life….Director of Recovery Alive: Rodney Williams

Youth Ministry

Youth ministry exists to see students form a deep and lasting relationship with God. We believe that accepting Jesus into ones life is a HUGE step, but it is just the beginning of a lifelong walk. We want to teach them what they need to know to become ROOTED in Jesus so that they can not only continue to grow in their joyful relationship with Him, but help others to do the same both now and in the future. Whatever phase of your relationship, (don’t know Jesus, just getting started, or have followed Him you whole life) we would like to welcome you to join us here at Youth Ministries! ….Director of Youth: Jennifer Thomas

Children's Ministry

We have outreach to children of all ages. We look forward to events like VBS and others. Children are the future of our church so we believe in investing in the growth and development of their heart for Jesus. Director: Jennifer Thomas

Women's Ministry

Throughout the Bible women did great things to make a difference in the lives of their family, their communities and throughout the world. These women moved the heart of God through praise and worship, prayer, hospitality and standing on the Word of God in time of need. Miriam, Esther and Mary are just a few of these women who have paved the way for us to walk, talk, and live in victory through Christ Jesus who strengthens us. Our desire is to consistently touch the whole woman (spirit, soul and body). That touch comes through prayer, special events, Bible studies and simple women-to-women fellowships. A place in Women’s Ministries awaits you. So please join us and allow the Lord to touch your life so that you can touch the lives of those around you!

Men's Ministry

The Men’s Ministry has been established as a force to disciple men, who in turn will disciple other men, thus multiplying the message beyond what one man can do. This ministry is dedicated to the furthering of manhood, and we believe that manhood and a Christ-like life are synonymous. Contemporary society denigrates males through the media by portraying them as selfish, inconsiderate, lazy and inept as husbands and fathers. However there are still men who are concerned about the spiritual climates of their homes. These men believe it is their responsibility to be leaders in their homes and raise their children in the knowledge of God. There is a place for you at New Beginnings Community Church!

Music Ministry

Worship Team consists of those who have the ability and desire to serve the Lord through the gift of music. The purpose of the team is to lead the way into the presence of the Lord during the Sunday morning services. During weekly rehearsals, the team works towards developing excellence in the gifts that the Lord has entrusted to them by not only practicing the songs, but also by pursuing the Lord together during our time of devotionals and prayer each week before practice begins. Our goal is to worship Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and to be a reflection of Him as we serve Him with our gifts and abilities. If you have a tug on your heart to serve on the worship team, and can play an instrument or sing, I would love to hear you! Please reach out to me, Director of Worship: Ron Marrujo